Wilson law office
Founded in 2004 by Mr. DeAundres Wilson, Wilson Law Office distinguished itself early on by first and foremost prioritizing the client’s unique personal and individual needs. Throughout its history, Wilson Law Office gained extensive experience in multiple areas of law, including misdemeanor and felony criminal matters, divorce, child support, child custody, juvenile protection, auto accidents, slip and falls, premise liability, employment discrimination, fraud, business contract disputes, foreclosure and eviction matters, conciliation court matters, and immigration matters.
practice areas
Simply put, where large law firms offer little in terms of face-to-face counsel, Wilson Law Office, as a small and nimble firm with a wide range of experience, provides legal aid that values the emotional aspects of the client’s unique legal journey. Wilson Law Office makes time to meet each individual where they’re at by listening to and answering questions so that each client feels confident on the road ahead. To Wilson Law office, a client is never a number. They’re an individual. And, above all, clients can trust and know they’re never alone on their legal journey when accompanied by Wilson Law.

Success Stories
- Hennepin County, MN
Client accused of 2nd-degree possession of a controlled substance by an officer that allegedly saw him in possession of a controlled substance. Client found not guilty after a jury trial.— D. Potts
- Hennepin County, MN
Client charged with Felon in Possession and First Degree possession of a controlled substance. After WLO successfully challenged the officer’s search warrant, the evidence was suppressed and both charges were dismissed.
— M. Combs
- Hennepin County, MN
Client charged with 5th Degree possession of a controlled substance. After WLO successfully challenged the warrantless search of the client’s purse, the evidence was suppressed and the charge was dismissed.
— N. Burris
- Hennepin County, MN
Client charged with 5th Degree possession of a controlled substance. After WLO successfully challenged the officer’s search warrant, the evidence was suppressed and the charge was dismissed.
— D. Boclair
- Hennepin County, MN
Client charged with 1st Degree possession of a controlled substance and was facing a presumptive prison sentence of 84 months. WLO Successfully obtained a dispositional departure and the client received a stayed prison sentence and was sentenced to work release. As a result, the client was able to keep his job and successfully completed probation.
— C. Castellanos
- Ramsey County, MN
Client charged with 1st Degree possession of a controlled substance and was facing a presumptive prison sentence of 84 months. WLO successfully obtained a dispositional departure and the client received a stayed prison sentence and was sentenced to work release from the work house. This client was able able to keep his employment and successfully completed probation.
— J. Young
- Stearns County, MN
Client charged with 5th-degree possession of a controlled substance. WLO successfully negotiated a stay of adjudication for the client and she was able to successfully complete probation and as a result, has no felony conviction!
—A. Marsch
- Anoka County, MN
Secured substantial settlement from the negligent driver as well as client’s own underinsured motorist coverage after the client was rear-ended on the high way and rolling her vehicle over an embankment.
— A. Beaudreau
- Ramsey County, MN
Secured six-figure settlement for a client that was injured at a bonfire during a birthday party that he was attending. Client suffered first and second degree burns to over 10% of his body and required multiple skin grafts.
— J. Menchaca
- Hennepin County, MN
Secured substantial annuity settlement for a minor client who was accidentally run over by her parent’s vehicle as she reached under the car to retrieve her sandal after exiting the vehicle.
— Minor Perez
- Blue Earth County, MN
Secured six-figure policy limit settlements for client(s) injured when another driver ran a stop sign and blindsided their vehicle. Clients required multiple surgeries.
— P. Ibarra
- Ramsey County, MN
Secured six figure policy limit settlement from client’s own insurance after being hit by uninsured van while riding her bicycle and sustaining numerous broken bones in her back and broken ribs.
— C.G.
- Hennepin County, MN
Client was a stay at home wife and mother of three kids. She filed for divorce after an abusive relationship and was able to obtain possession of the family home, spousal maintenance, child support, and a lump sum settlement for property distribution.
— L. Regenold (and her children)
- Hennepin County, MN
WLO assisted client in obtaining primary custody of his son after numerous false allegations by the child’s mother. With the help of WLO, client has been able to repeatedly fight the baseless accusations by the mother in an attempt to have the client stripped of his primary custody.
— R. Sheahan (and his son)
- Hennepin County, MN
Client accused by his son’s mother of inappropriately touching his son and took the son to the hospital and complained. The mother obtained a temporary order for protection. After a court trial, WLO was successful in having the temporary order dismissed and a permanent order was not granted. The mother attempted to obtain another OFP a month later with new allegations. That matter was dismissed prior to the second trial.
— E. Gutierrez (and his son)
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